Category Archives: Letters


Dear Friends,

There has been so much to reflect on that I could share this week, but the most positive news is that our move has happened and we are in the process of setting up our new home. Thank goodness for a big double garage where a lot of boxes have been stored! CONTINUE READING ...

We take our gate everywhere we go!

Dear Friends,

If a gate disappears between fields around Broadway in the next few weeks we can expect the police to come knocking on the door of our new home in Lymington.

We will be among the first suspects. The evidence is undeniable. We take our gate everywhere we go! As you see from the pictures, however, I can be an Adam of Genesis and blame the woman for everything! CONTINUE READING ...

Wisdom of Scientists

Dear Friends,

I do not doubt the wisdom of scientists, but the top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy and to deal with that we need a spiritual and cultural transformation — and the scientists don’t know how to do that. That is OUR job! CONTINUE READING ...

Dear friends,

As children we were encouraged to exceed our limits — aspiring to be bigger, better and faster. We must build bigger, do better and move faster and if the human body can’t do it we must create something that will!

As I was driving home from Holiday Forum at Swanwick last week i realised that building smaller and moving slower is better for the future. I have never understood the purpose of building bigger cars that can travel at 150 mph, making people feel better because they can drive so much faster. It must be that engrained aspiration to exceed our limits! CONTINUE READING ...


Dear Friends,

Pray Like Hannah PDF

A question we often ask as we look to the future is how we can attract young people to give the Church new life. I also want to ask how we value and encourage the gifts of older people?

Church is a family of brothers and sisters in Christ and as such embraces all ages so young and old have equal value in the eyes of God. We ALL have our different gifts to contribute with the visions of the young, the dreams of the old and the prophesy of everyone giving life to the Church. CONTINUE READING ...

Silence won’t be so golden if we are silent!

Dear Friends,

Silence won’t be so golden if we are silent!

It wasn’t so long ago that we could complain about the ’sound of silence’ concerning the abuse and pollution of the planet, but now some people want to ’silence the voices.’

It won’t be long before the ’sound of silence’ won’t be so golden as it will be the sign that nature has disappeared from the fields and trees so as a community we need to raise our voices and make sure we are not silenced. CONTINUE READING ...