Category Archives: Prayers

A Little Walk in the Garden with God

A Little Walk in the Garden with God

As you make this little journey.
Think about the times you have lived through and experienced,
easy , difficult , bad , good.
Think of encounters and choices.

What might God be saying to you in the journey so far?

What might God be inviting you to lay down and let go of as you journey together? CONTINUE READING ...

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day – 15th October 2023

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day – 15th October 2023

Oh Lord, you know every tear that has fallen onto our cheeks.
You know how painful and devastated we are at the loss of this precious child.
Please help the parents to use their tears as healing
and not to hold back or try to be strong on their own
when it’s too much to handle.
Thank you that you care about every single tear drop that falls from our eyes,
it is not lost on you.
Help us to mourn alongside these parents,
and help us to continue to trust you moving forward CONTINUE READING ...

A Prayer seeking God’s Intercession

A Prayer seeking God’s Intercession

Heavenly Father, you are our refuge and strength in times of trouble.
Please heal the broken,
make well the sick,
ease their pain and grant them peace.
Restore happiness to those in despair.
Bring love to the love to the lonely,
food to the hungry and peace to the world. CONTINUE READING ...

A Prayer of Thanks

A Prayer of Thanks

Eternal God, we are thankful that you clothe us with forgiveness.
You cover us with your grace.
You feed us with your word.
You robe us with your generosity.
You root us in your faithfulness.
You gather us in your love and you invite us to be your disciples.
You go all out to draw us to you and you call each of us by name. CONTINUE READING ...

A Prayer for God’s Forgiveness

A Prayer for God’s Forgiveness

In Jesus’ name we pray:

Almighty Father, forgive the sins that we remember and the sins we have forgotten.
Forgive our many failings in the face of temptation, and those times when we have been stubborn.
Those times when we have ignored those less fortunate than us or been too busy to notice. Forgive us when we forget the beauty of your world or take things for granted.
Forgive us when our courage fails us and we doubt our ability to bring about change.
Be with us in all we try to do and give us strength to do your will. CONTINUE READING ...