Category Archives: Sermons

World Prayer Day

The World Day of Prayer service this year is on Friday, March 4th at 2pm, at Broadway URC. Everyone is welcome at this short service, which will be part of a world-wide programme.

Christmas and New Year Services

Hi all,

The services over Christmas and New Year are as below. Please check the Calendar for our full listing of events and activities. We look forward to seeing you!

Friday 24th December (Christmas Eve) 2.30, Afternoon service of readings and Carols

Saturday 25th December (Christmas Day)  10.30 Worship led by Elder Michael Payne CONTINUE READING ...

Joint Bethlehem Carol Service 19th Dec, 6.30pm

Joint Bethlehem Carol Service

Sunday 19 December, 6.30pm (UK time)

We will be joining with the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church for our shared Advent carol service this Sunday evening at 6.30pm UK time. There will be an opportunity to donate to the Dar Al-Kalima School Chapel (Betyhlehem) fund.  Click here to find out about the school (which I’ve visted several times) CONTINUE READING ...



Read: Samuel 3: 1-10 plus verse 19

This is the story of a small child who heard the voice of God calling in the night, but he didn’t know who it was until an old man told him.

It is a simple story that began a faith journey for Samuel, but it could be our story — YOUR story, because the bible is full of stories in which we can identify ourselves and our personal experiences. CONTINUE READING ...

God in a Box

God doesn’t fit in a box!

James 2: 1-10 + 14-17 and Mark 7: 24-end

As we prepare to move we are packing things into boxes, but they also have to fit into the right box so they can be found when needed. Books for here, books for there; clothes for winter, clothes for summer, the system is great until you are trying to find something you didn’t mean to pack. CONTINUE READING ...

Don’t trust the robots – they have no heart!

Don’t trust the robots — they have no heart!

Reading: Ephesians 4: 1-17

I am not always worthy of the calling I have received as a minister in the United Reformed Church because with some telephone calls my patience runs thin and I admit love is totally absent from the conversation. I certainly do not sound humble or gentle and I have given up trying to make peace with the robotic voice I must communicate with. CONTINUE READING ...

Too tired to taste the honey!

Too tired to taste the honey!

As we prepare to listen to the Word of God it is an absent story that inspires my message this week. I found myself reflecting on what is not said rather than what will we read as I followed the lectionary reading for the week — with a few verses added by myself. CONTINUE READING ...

Two as one make the demons run!

Mark 6: 1-13

The hometown for Jesus today is the Church. That is the place where his family live — so I am amazed at our lack of faith in what he tells us.

We are his brothers and sisters in the world today, but we make him weep because we don’t understand what he tells us and how to make peace. (Luke 19: 41) His home is now global, as well as local, and Jesus can’t do the miracles among us unless we have faith in what he tells us and in what he does. CONTINUE READING ...