Look After Yourself

BURC Hall 77, High Street, Broadway, United Kingdom

Gentle exercise seated or standing to improve your mobility, balance, and strength in a fun way. All in a friendly and relaxed environment. Every Thursday 10.30 to 11.30 am. In the Church Hall, stay on for tea, coffee, and chat afterwards if you like.

Today’s Our Day

Jubilee Room & URC Hall

Why not join us any Thursday afternoon? Are you a Carer? Do you feel overwhelmed/anxious/lonely or just need time to relax and chat with folk who understand? Come to a small group who all have, or had, caring roles, for a relaxed afternoon of chat about anything and to find mutual support and friendship and […]

Look After Yourself

BURC Hall 77, High Street, Broadway, United Kingdom

Gentle exercise seated or standing to improve your mobility, balance, and strength in a fun way. All in a friendly and relaxed environment. Every Thursday 10.30 to 11.30 am. In the Church Hall, stay on for tea, coffee, and chat afterwards if you like.

Today’s Our Day

Jubilee Room & URC Hall

Why not join us any Thursday afternoon? Are you a Carer? Do you feel overwhelmed/anxious/lonely or just need time to relax and chat with folk who understand? Come to a small group who all have, or had, caring roles, for a relaxed afternoon of chat about anything and to find mutual support and friendship and […]

Boardom Busters

BURC Hall 77, High Street, Broadway, United Kingdom

Boardom Busters – enjoy a warm welcome, games, cake, coffee First Tuesday of every month, 2-4pm : in Broadway URC Hall. WR12 7AL Choose the games you’d like to play or just pop in for a cofee and cake. Come along for the whole session or stay as long as you can. All ages welcome, […]

Look After Yourself

BURC Hall 77, High Street, Broadway, United Kingdom

Gentle exercise seated or standing to improve your mobility, balance, and strength in a fun way. All in a friendly and relaxed environment. Every Thursday 10.30 to 11.30 am. In the Church Hall, stay on for tea, coffee, and chat afterwards if you like.