Author Archives: MP

Insights Into a Sunday Service

The curtains were drawn back to reveal how a Sunday Service is crafted.

Including: How the readings and hymns are chosen and how to tap the deep well of resources for prayers and sermon ideas. It revealed the unseen roles that make a service accessible. From entering the Chapel, welcoming at the door, preparing the slideshow, and obtaining the coffee and biscuits to fuel the chat after the service. Led by our lay worship group, several of the seven folk who participated have said that they would like to explore further how they might become more involved in crafting a service. CONTINUE READING ...

Ukelele Sing Along

Celebrating 9 years of the groups that help neighbours to “Feel Better and Enjoy Life More”, Popular music to sing-along with, or just enjoy the performance. The return of the popular Harvington Ukulele Band

Thursday 27th July At Broadway URC Hall 1.45 for 2pm start. Tea and cake when the musicians take a half- time break. 4pm finish. Come and go when you can. This is a Dementia Friendly event. Ring Joanne on 01386 858918 to book your place(s). No charge. Donations will go to Pam Nelson’s 26 mile sponsored walk for the Alzheimers Society. CONTINUE READING ...

Coronation Concert Conviviality

Our Today’s our Day group enjoyed the English Symphony Orchestra quartet at a Coronation Concert organised by The Evesham Dementia Action Alliance of which we are an active member. The 20 of us joined with 40 people from other groups for tea, cake, and wonderful music in Offenham Village Hall. CONTINUE READING ...

Big Garden Watch Results Have Landed

Every year we join in with this nationwide RSPB initiative

Once a year during a given weekend we observe our church land for an hour before Sunday Worship and record the most number of each type of bird seen. Increasing our birdfeeders, water features, and diversity of plants again increased the number and type of birds. CONTINUE READING ...

Over 50 People Pop In For Lunch

“This is wonderful. Why does the church do it?” 
Our pop-in-lunch is a way for folk to get out of the house, meet other people, and enjoy a light lunch together.

We do it because we want to help people to feel better and enjoy life more. CONTINUE READING ...

Easter Joy

Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! 

12 people accepted the personal invitations from members of our congregation to accompany them to our Easter celebration.

Followed by refreshments, chat, and a look around our reflective garden it was a special day for all. CONTINUE READING ...

Sow, Sow, Sow

  • So, what’s our next step on our church land?
  • Sow, our biodiverse church land can grow by adding the wildflower seeds that Broadway Parish Council gave us at the village meeting. (which was excellent by the way)
  • Sow, we planted 50 trees in 2022 and can grow that by helping to plant a spinney in the village activity park.
  • Sow, loneliness is also a topic for the village to work on together. We will add permanent seating to our reflective garden so folk participating in activities in our church hall can sit into the garden to chat.

    Community Matters – Being Good Neighbours

    The people of Broadway United Reformed Church care deeply about our local community. For us – Community Matters. Mark Pickering is the person to contact.
    If you would like to :
    suggest any issues or ideas for the community
    find out more about our many initiatives that we are working on with our partners
    get involved in things that interest you?
    attend one of the events?
    ask any questions you have?
    Please contact Mark 07949 296 738 or
    Mark hopes to hear from you soon.
    To see some of our current wide range of activities click on the dots below CONTINUE READING ...

    Groups get together for Christmas Lunch

    Our community groups are getting together on 21st December 2017 at 12 noon for Christmas lunch of homemade soup, cheese scones, and mince pies.

    Everyone welcome to share in the festivities.

    Or why not have a look at what the different groups get up to in the community by clicking on the Community Matters menu bar above,  or contact Mark on 07949 296 738 CONTINUE READING ...