Category Archives: Letters

Naked Earth

Dear Friends,

The world has been mugged and stripped of her clothes!

Luke 10: 25-37

What we say can heal or hurt depending on how we say it! It’s the same with what we see or how we feel! How we see can help heal or continue to hurt the world that we share! CONTINUE READING ...

Together Everyone Achieves More

Dear Friends,

1 Corinthians 9: 24-end

Watching a family and friends dancing in a garden in the early hours of the morning reminded me of how WE can all be part of a winning team and not have a medal round our neck!

It was, of course, an Olympic medal winning celebration and YOU can be part of a winning team, but, probably, don’t know it. You won’t have the medal round your neck, but without your support and encouragement the runners in the race and fighters in the battle won’t qualify to compete in the “games.” CONTINUE READING ...


Dear Friends,


I never thought I would hear myself saying it, but I do sympathise with Boris. There will be people who think he can do no wrong and for others he can do no right.

I thought he got it wrong last week when he said that he wasn’t going to self isolate, but did he get it right when he changed his mind? Politics can be so ugly, but, as christians, we don’t play that game because we commend people who listen and try to right a wrong! CONTINUE READING ...

I wonder, why not?

Dear Friends,

I am often encouraged by Church leaders who see the urgent need for change, but continue to be disappointed when it doesn’t seem to happen. I wonder, why not?

Some will argue that church leaders — whether they be ministers, vicars, pastors or some other title — are frustrated by church members who want everything to remain as it has always been. Others will point to the hypocrisy of our leaders who say one thing and do another. There are also those who will say that we’ve got what God has given us and only God can change that! Children don’t always do as their Father tells them so are we stubbornly going our own way, doing our thing rather than God’s will? Lots of questions! CONTINUE READING ...

Weaponising the hymn book

Dear Friends,

I noted with sadness that 29 United Reformed Church buildings have closed in the past year and hope we will “remember them” as Jesus asks us to “remember him.” It is in the remembering that we can celebrate the joy of the ‘risen Christ’ to help us through our grief and look forward with a vision of hope. CONTINUE READING ...

Yes, you do.

Dear Friends,

I must admit there have been many times when I have been guilty of thinking, “oh no, I don’t have to work with them, do I Lord?” The answer has been, “yes, you do,” and the experience has been one of valuable learning. That doesn’t mean the experience was enjoyable, but the learning was necessary for my ministry to grow. CONTINUE READING ...

Many workers for a plentiful garden

Dear Friends,

I was reminded how our small experiences can give us an insight into some of the bigger problems people confront when I was reflecting on Refugee Day last Sunday. It cannot compare with the suffering of refugees and asylum seekers risking their lives to find sanctuary and hope for the future, but one of my trivial grievances made me feel like a spiritual refugee seeking a new home.  CONTINUE READING ...

The Church is like a garden

Dear Friends,

The Church is like a garden that has grown with seeds and weeds side by side — and both are valuable to God!

Last Friday we considered how the Earth is heaven’s Garden and God is the Gardener, preparing, sowing, pruning and so pleased with the goodness that grows. When the Gardener’s will is grown from the earth as in heaven the work will be done and God will take a rest! CONTINUE READING ...

Leave a lasting legacy

Dear Friends,

As I was leaning on My Gatein prayer during the week a voice whispered in my head that in times of darkness we all need more of GOD — Goodness Overcomes Darkness. God said let there be light and there was light and it was good so let it be what you receive! CONTINUE READING ...

Goodness Overcomes Darkness

Dear Friends,

Matthew 22: 34-40

That was the week that was when we raised nearly £2,500 for Christian Aid and we need another like it to show our nearer neighbours how much they are loved!

Our neighbours are far and near, but the ones who are next door need to know they are loved as much as those from a distance know they are loved! CONTINUE READING ...